Date update: 01.07.2024

The Conditions of Use

Our Terms of Use serve as the governing framework for using our website. To gain a comprehensive understanding of how our platform operates, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following key points:

1.1 Guidance for Optimal Usage: Our Terms of Use are designed to provide you with clear guidance on making the best use of our products and services. It is an essential to read these foundational terms before engaging with our offerings, as they are crafted to enhance your overall experience on our site.

2.1 Mandatory Acceptance: Prior to utilizing our products and services of website, it is imperative that you agree to abide by various terms of use, conditions, privacy policy terms, and disclaimers outlined on the site. If you find any of these terms unworkable, we kindly advise you to exit the website. Access to our products and services is granted solely upon acceptance of all terms and conditions.

2.2 Updates and Revisions: The company reserves the right to update or amend its Terms of Use as necessary, without prior notification. To stay informed about any changes, we recommend checking this page regularly.

Our goal is to provide a clear and user-friendly framework for your interaction with our platform. These Terms of Use are instrumental in ensuring a seamless and secure experience for all users.

Privacy Policy

3.1. Personal Data for Enhanced Service: Our Privacy Policy allows us to gather relevant personal information to better understand your identity and serve you optimally. Your personal data plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of products and services we provide. It enables us to stay in touch with you regarding potential future opportunities. Your personal information serves as a means to send you promotional emails related to services that align with your interests.

3.2. Types of Personal Information Collected: The personal information we collect may encompass a range of identity-related details, including names, gender, and more. This data serves as a foundation for classifying users based on various demographics, aiding in tailored service provision.

3.3. Data Retention to Purpose: We retain personal information for as long as it continues to fulfill its original purpose, as outlined in the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy. In simpler terms, we store data as long as it remains useful and relevant.

3.4. Dynamic Privacy Policy: The company maintains the flexibility to modify its Privacy Policy, a practice aligned with data protection laws. These updates ensure that our users gain a comprehensive understanding of how their data is collected, stored, and utilized. We promptly rectify any inaccuracies as soon as they come to our attention.

Our commitment to transparency and compliance drives our privacy practices, ensuring that your data is handled responsibly and ethically.

Age Users

4.1. Age Requirement: To access and use our products and services, users must meet a specific age requirement. Our platform is exclusively available to individuals who are 18 years of age or older.

4.2. Disclaimer of Misrepresentation Liability: It is an essential to note that the company cannot be held liable for any consequences arising from the misrepresentation of age by users.

4.3. Unsuitable for Minors: Our website, along with its products, services, and content, is not designed to appeal to individuals who have not reached the legal age limit. Those who do not meet the age requirement must immediately discontinue their use or visitation of this site.

We prioritize the responsible use of our platform, and adherence to age restrictions is a critical element in ensuring a safe and appropriate user experience.

Intellectual Property

5.1. Ownership of Content: All content, including but not limited to data, software, graphics, forms, artwork, written materials, photographs, functional components, videos, animations, pictures, software concepts, audio, and other materials accessible on the website, is the exclusive property of this company.

5.2. Prohibition of Reproduction: By accepting these terms, you expressly agree not to engage in any form of reproduction of the intellectual property at company.

5.3. Granting of License: Upon becoming a member, you grant the company a non-exclusive license to reproduce, utilize, and transmit any content you publish. In cases where disputes arise concerning intellectual property claims, it is advisable to promptly contact the company to facilitate resolution and reach an agreement.

Our commitment to protecting intellectual property rights ensures the integrity of our platform and the responsible use of its content.

Applicable Law

6.1. Legal Governance: By becoming a member of this website, you expressly agree that all terms and conditions stated are subject to the governing laws specified herein. These laws will also apply to any disputes that may arise between the company and yourself.

Our commitment to legal clarity ensures a fair and regulated environment for all platform users.

Promotions & Bonuses

7.1. Incentives for Engagement: The company offers promotions and bonuses to encourage continued engagement with the platform. These incentives, whether provided by the company or third parties, may be found on specific pages of the website and are subject to specific terms and conditions. It is advisable to regularly review the respective page for updates.

7.2. Acceptance of Terms: When you choose to utilize any promotions or bonuses, you implicitly agree to adhere to the applicable terms and conditions of this website or those stipulated by third-party companies governing these incentives.

7.3. Right to Modify: Regardless of any previously encountered terms and conditions on the site, the company retains the prerogative to modify, add, or withdraw bonuses or promotions as deemed necessary, without prior notification to any party.

Our commitment to maintaining a dynamic and engaging platform is reflected in our approach to promotions and bonuses.

Disclaimer and Liability

8.1. Accuracy of Information: The company has diligently invested its efforts to ensure the accuracy of information provided on the website as of its publication date. Consequently, the company cannot be held responsible for any omissions or errors in information published before the occurrence of such issues.

8.2. General Information: All information on the website is provided solely for general informational purposes. To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither the company nor its associates endorse any particular course of action. Furthermore, the company does not guarantee the error-free operation of the features and functions at website.

8.3. No Legal Advice: The company does not purport to provide legal advice on any matter unless specific provisions of the law are quoted. Any statements about the law made on the website are summaries and should not be construed as legal counsel. It is advisable to consult a qualified legal professional for legal advice.

Our commitment to transparency and responsible information dissemination underscores our approach to disclaimers and liability.


By consenting to our Terms of Use, you acknowledge and agree to indemnify the company and its associates against any liability, claims, damages, losses, or costs they may incur as a result of negligent actions or any issues arising from your use of this website or violations of the Terms of Use.

This indemnification clause reinforces the importance of responsible and compliant use of our platform.

Gaming Services

The company offers information for your informational and entertainment purposes. While navigating our platform, you may encounter references or links to third-party online gambling services. It is crucial to adhere to all regulations pertaining to the usage of the website, especially when interacting with such services.

We emphasize responsible and compliant use of our platform to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all users.